Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Oh, Say Can You See!


    In concurrence with Veteran's Day our 3rd through 5th grade students learned about our national anthem the "Star Spangled Banner."  We not only learned the words and how to sing the anthem, but also the incredible story behind the words that we sing.  Francis Scott Key wrote the words as he watched Ft. McHenry in Baltimore being bombed for twenty-six hours. The video below tells this incredible story.

    We used several different activities to learn the lyrics to our national anthem.  Below is the Smartboard activity that the class used to quiz themselves on the words.  Try and see if you can guess the hidden words. 

Now lets see how well you did. 

    We also watched several different performances of the "Star Spangled Banner,"  from Beyonce to the Military Academy Choirs to see which group performed it most closely to the original version.  The overwhelming favorite performance of the anthem was from a group of young girls from Texas named the Cactus Cuties.  Enjoy the performance below and if you would like take the "Star Spangled Banner" quiz on Sporlce by clicking this link

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Mustang Chorale Performance 11/9/2012

I wanted to share with everyone the fantastic performance that Mustang Chorale did for our Veteran's Day Celebration this year.  We sang Teresa Jenning's, "We Celebrate America."  The duets were sung by: Emma Newberry, Ashley Class,  Ali Powell, Sarah Christensen, Lily McElhannon, and Sidney Dunn.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mustang Chorale Veteran's Day Performance

    This Friday Mustang Chorale will be performing at CFES' Veteran's Day celebration.  The celebration is from 9:00-10:00 this Friday morning.  We will be singing one piece titled, "We Celebrate America."  Mustang Chorale members will need to wear red, white, and blue or any combination of those colors.  If you have any questions please contact me.